Safety tips
  • Create an e-mail exclusively to trade on TRADEBIT.EXCHANGE;
  • Document all communication with your trading pair until the Trade is fully concluded in order to have material that supports eventual disputes. Make sure you have data that proves your statements.
  • Be very aware of the reputation track record of each user you decide to trade with.
  • Be VERY CAREFUL with your Private Keys. TRADEBIT.EXCHANGE DOES NOT BACKUP or have access to users Private Keys generated by our system.
  • Avoid Trading in person. If you need to do so because you need to use cash, meet in safe public places and don't go alone. Let your bystander observing the Trade from short distance and with access to call for help.
  • Be responsible in regard to your jurisdiction laws and taxes.
  • Build your reputation carefully.
  • Do not disclose you Private Keys or registered e-mail to anyone.
  • Save/Store/Record you Private Keys OFF LINE.
  • Dont't use third party devices to Trade such as Lan House or friends' computers and smartphones.