Address not created yet! To buy or sell Bitcoins you must create your Tradebit Wallet
Sell > Creating New Advertisement
The options will appear after you type the bitcoin amount
Type of Payment
Restore your private key
- A fee will be sent to TRADEBIT.EXCHANGE in order to publish this Ad.
- Only after fee confirmation the Ad will be published (in case of ad cancelation you may ask your refund - for more info check the terms of service).
Miner fee options
Creating Ad Confirmation
- Bitcoin Amount: ####
- Margin (%): ####
- FIAT value after margin: U$ ####
- Minimum value to buy: ####
- Timezone: ####
- Payment window: ####
- Types of payment: ####
- Extra terms of trade: ####
- Miner fee (TRADEBIT.EXCHANGE Fee Transaction): ####
- Wallet balance after creation: ####
- FIAT balance on wallet after creation: ####
¹ A fee will be sent to TRADEBIT.EXCHANGE in order to publish this Ad. Only after fee confirmation the Ad will be published